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Basin Energy Celebrates Safety Milestone

Basin Energy, along with subsidiaries ProActive Services and Starett Energy Services celebrated more than 150,000 work hours with zero recordable incidents.

"All of Basin's employees are committed to working safely," says John Hill, Director of Safety for Basin and it's subsidiaries. " We make sure that we start that culture of working safely and efficiently from day one on the job for all new employees."

Now, Basin Energy has around 100 employees and the milestone took 8.5 month to achieve. The companies celebrated by hosting a cook-out for all their employees.

"We wanted to celebrate with our employees, because they are the heart of our safety program," said Hill. "We can put all the policies in place that we want, but if our employees don't fully commit to them, we couldn't have the success that we are seeing."

The next celebration will happen when Basin reaches another 225,000 hours with no recordables.

Abigail Henderson