Q4 2018 - Safety Spotlight
Daylight Saving Time
It’s that time of the year. Time to set our clocks back an hour. Sure, most of us think it is great getting that extra hour of sleep, but during this time change there is statistically an increase in safety incidents.
First, and foremost with the end of daylight savings comes an increase of darkness during an already hectic time of day. Rush hour. Drivers at this time aren’t used to the decreased visibility and create more risk for you and themselves. Use extra caution while driving, because even though you may feel fine, it may have an effect on other drivers around you. Be defensive.
The National Road Safety Foundation (NRSF) has completed studies proving that auto accidents increase after the clocks fall back an hour. The NSRF notes that besides the lack of visibility, commuting in the dark can also make drivers drowsier than normal. The change of daylight also has the tendency to throw off our internal clocks, and in the 24/7 society we live in today most people are already sleep deprived.
How to Prepare:
Evidence suggests that time change increases safety issues both at work and at home. Taking precaution, and being aware of the increased risk of accidents in the weeks directly following the time change may help you stay alert and decrease your chances of being involved in an accident.
Use the Occasion of Setting Your Clocks Back as a Chance to:
Check and replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms
Ensure they are working properly and replace any bad batteries. As cold weather sets in and many start up gas-fired furnaces, fireplaces, and portable unit heaters, carbon monoxide poisoning risks increase dramatically during this time of the year.
Check to see if fire extinguishers need recharged
Do so by checking the small gauge at the top of the extinguisher. If the needle is in the green area, the extinguisher is charged and ready for operation. If the needle is located in the red “overcharged” or “recharge” areas, the extinguisher will need recharged.
Total Recordable Incident Rate
As we approach the fall season and the end of 2018 I would like to thank everyone for the hard work and attention to Safety this past year. Our TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate) is now at zero which is a remarkable achievement for all of us! Our customers are very happy with this rate, but more importantly we are working towards providing a safe work environment for all of us.
It is very difficult to reach this goal and become Incident Free, even harder to maintain this status throughout the next year. We can continue our Zero Incident challenge by taking the time everyday to think before we act, recognize and identify hazards on our jobs, communicate, share information and practice safe work habits.
Once again Thank You and Congratulations!
-ShalePro Safety Team